Christina Cooke
Listen to: Conversation with Christina Cooke
Christina Cooke was named a “Writer to Watch” by CBC Books in 2024. Born in Jamaica, she moved to Texas as a girl, then Vancouver, Fredericton, and Iowa before settling in New York. Her fiction and essays can be found in The Caribbean Writer, Prairie Schooner, Apogee, and the Michigan Quarterly Review. Her novel, Broughtupsy, was published in Canada by House of Anansi and an excerpt (of sorts) called “Homecoming” was published in PRISM International, after which it was selected for the 2023 Journey Prize Anthology.
As a queer Black writer and immigrant twice over, Christina explores themes of home and belonging, identity, family and love in her novel and other writings. I caught up with Christina while she accompanied her partner on a residency in Berlin, and where she was working on her own next project. I hope you enjoy the conversation.
How I Wrote This is created and hosted by Pamela Hensley and presented by KnockAbout Media. Original music track “Attention to Details” by Tyler K. Rauman. You can listen and subscribe on Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music, and iHeartRadio and follow us on Instagram @howiwrotethisthepodcast